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2003-09-20 06:18:12| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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haha! funny thing!~ I saw a street called " Madelaine Street" ~~~ I finally have a street with my name on it, but too bad there is "mad" before it! -_-''
I have a pretty good mood today, although the weather doesn't seem to agree with me at all!hehee~
Good thing about today is...I met so many new people today~~ interesting!
Bad thing about today is...I wasted 3 hrs to wait for the tutorial, but ended up nothing. When I got there, the tutor said I could leave if I understand the stuff. Man! are u kidding me!?~ so I left when it started.
aiya~~ meme wanna go shopping~ but all of the people are so so so busy lately~~anyways~
Oh! yea~ a song called "世界真細小小小" poped up to my mind this afternoon~ I remember I love this song so much when I was a little kid~ sweet memory! hehee~ no wonder I feel so peace today~LOL

台長: MiMoSa
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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