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2004-05-25 03:58:04| 人氣685| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Taste of Life

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1. 農村: friendship with 光, cheating, 消隠的遊戲, 可怕的稻草人, 外婆的背脊, 追逐, 均分apple, 地板的可愛--spin spin, 雨中的玻璃窗, 被套中的故事, 小意外, 單車

2. 向西小學: friendship with 展,海,純, 強; 可怕的楊老師; 洗厠所的感覺; Miss Chen & Zeng's 的疼愛; 暗戀與被暗戀的感覺; 連番意外--針針皆辛苦; 數學與莫老師; 旗手; 遺憾

3. 羅湖中學: 1E frienship; 小廣播的misunderstanding, 雨中的足球, 何准老師, 劉老師的一句話, Ni老師, 溫聲的地理老師, 遺憾, 錯

4. Amoy College: friendship with Eric, 滔; Miss Wong, Miss Pang; Laugh; 造作; 奮進; 天台; 書信的開端; 摸不著頭腦的"愛"

5. CSK: lack of sleep; full of joy; friendship with 吉, cheap To, 仁; 會考的焦慮; tears after exams; 自修室苦與樂; 補習小天王; M 記的ice cream; 數的恐懼; Chu Sir, HP Lam, Chan Sir, Poon Sir, Ravi, "女友"Miss Lau?!!; head prefect; 阿面, pressure, 零分的作文, basketball, Art Club, 鄰校volleyball & 地圖袋少女, collection of badges, collection of letters

5.5 SWAP95: friendship with 口水佬, secret "angle", Jesus, touch of love [+/-Jesus]? Greller, Ebright, Lange, King; bitterness of letters

6. CUHK: new home, adaptation, YCH Dr Lee, TMH Dr Lau, 宿, Big O, love story, 沉默的細O, elective in Melbourn/Sydney, Dr Daryl & bedside manner, Joris 的送別, 維也納 coffee with Anke, lunch with stranger; clear water in Thailand, fishing in Maylasia, diving in Philippines, HCC culture in lab[damn!], Onco Dr Mok; 阿基, Ming, 大頭, 子敬; back to 中小學; AI, roomate 傑, pray, driving; digital camera?, promise to Wong Tai Sin, BT movies, 棋魂的震撼; failed in Pharma, Exams....exams.... MB備忘錄

7. Hospitals: new journey -- 待續


See the world, taste the world

Pachebel Canon in D -- melt me, please.

The simplicity of life: health, food and water, 情.

When we are deprived of fortune, we still have health. When we are deprived of health, we are nothing.

台長: Sheep


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