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I want to raed about Winston Churchill (邱吉爾)


I want to raed about Winston Churchill (邱吉爾)


I want to raed about Winston Churchill (邱吉爾) . Who can help me? Also I need to know where can buy and how much cost it . thanks!



< async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"> 最佳解答:

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill KG OM CH TD FRS PC (Can) (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was an English statesman and author, best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Well-known as an orator, strategist, and politician, Churchill was one of the most important leaders in modern British and world history. He won the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature for his many books on English and world history. Sir Winston Churchill was voted the greatest-ever Briton in the 2002 BBC poll the 100 Greatest Britons. References Michael R. Beschloss, (2002) The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941-1945 pg. 131. Geoffrey Best. Churchill: A Study in Greatness (2003) Blake, Robert. Winston Churchill. Pocket Biographies (1997), 110 pages Blake, Robert and Louis William Roger, eds. Churchill: A Major New Reassessment of His Life in Peace and War Oxford UP, 1992, 581 pp; 29 essays by scholars John Charmley, Churchill, The End of Glory: A Political Biography (1993). revisionist; favors Chamberlain; says Churchill weakened Britain John Charmley. Churchill's Grand Alliance: The Anglo-American Special Relationship 1940-57 (1996) Richard Harding Davis, Real Soldiers of Fortune 1906, early biography. Project Gutenberg etext[6] Martin Gilbert Churchill: A Life (1992) (ISBN 0-8050-2396-8); one volume version of 8-volume life (8900 pp); amazing detail but as Rasor complains, "no background, no context, no comment, no analysis, no judgments, no evaluation, and no insights." Sebastian Haffner, Winston Churchill 1967 James, Robert Rhodes. Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900-1939 (1970), 400 pp. Roy Jenkins. Churchill: A Biography (2001) Fran?ois Kersaudy, Churchill and De Gaulle 1981 ISBN 0-00-216328-4. Christian Krockow, Churchill: Man of the Century by 2000 ISBN 1-902809-43-2. John Lukacs. Churchill : Visionary, Statesman, Historian Yale University Press, 2002. William Manchester, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory 1874-1932, 1983; ISBN 0-316-54503-1; The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Alone 1932-1940, 1988, ISBN 0-316-54512-0; no more published Robert Massie Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War (ISBN 1-84413-528-4); ch 40-41 on Churchill at Admiralty Henry Pelling, Winston Churchill (first issue) 1974, (ISBN 1-84022-218-2), 736pp; comprehensive biography Rasor, Eugene L. Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965: A Comprehensive Historiography and Annotated Bibliography. Greenwood Press. 2000. 710 pp. describes several thousand books and scholarly articles. Stansky, Peter, ed. Churchill: A Profile 1973, 270 pp. essays for and against Churchill by leading scholars I suggest you could borrow it from library instead if buying.


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