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2005-08-23 22:45:43| 人氣144| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

to be in love with someone 墮入愛河

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fate 這是
it is 註定的結局
to be in love with someone 一旦墮入愛河
is destined to be miserable 總會變得無助

either 要不是
let the passion wither and die down 任由熱情枯萎殆盡
for a mutual boredom 變成雙方的悶局
or 就是
allow the indulgement grow deeper and deeper 讓迷戀與日俱增
into an absolute dependance 形成彼此的絕對依賴
or simply 還是…當領略到戀愛的真相時
give up by the time one sees the true face of love 索性放棄離塲

to be in love with someone 一旦墮入愛河
is destined to be miserable 總會變得無助
don’t ask, 不要質疑
don’t hate 不要懷恨
and don’t be afraid 不要害怕
and you’ll finally learn to accept it is 你最終學會接受
fate 這是戀愛註定的命數


台長: summerkinkin
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