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2007-03-10 13:50:49| 人氣503| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Liberator 解救者 解放者(頌齡)

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就像是Gandhi甘地 Lincoln 林肯 Simon Bolivar Mendela曼德拉
或是(端視你的政治立場) Lenin列寧 Catro卡斯楚 Che Guevara哲古華拉等
但是 在每一天裡 每個人都能在較小的規模裡扮演類似解放者的角色
我們可以幫助別人從自我傷害的負面思考信念 從精神的魯鈍遲緩 從匱乏滋養和破壞性的關係 以及從上癮行為等 解放出來

那些舊信念被我們自己一再反覆灌輸 就像是佔領軍隊持續的控制影響著殖民地

耶穌 穆罕穆德 佛祖 都是解放者

然而 上千人已經參與許多從壓迫中爭取自由的戰役

那些幫助我們從暴政中解放出來 但卻又在我們生活裡加諸上他們自己的專權 像有些企業主 政治家 宗教與精神領導 把談論自由當作擴展自己私利的方法

要評估這原形是否屬於你的12圓圈circle of 12
那就要問自己是否有顯示出一生的模式來幫助別人從不正義與不利的經濟社會環境 或從他們自己的錯誤認知中解放出來

We tend to think of Liberators as great military and political leaders who free an entire country or people from servitude,
such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, SimCn Bol_var of Venezuela, Nelson Mandela, and, depending on your politics, Lenin, Castro, and Che Guevara. But in everyday life, any number of people can play a similar role on a smaller scale, helping to liberate us from the tyranny of self-inflicted negative thought patterns and beliefs, spiritual sluggishness, poor nutrition, destructive relationships, or addictive behavior. This archetype can be an invaluable ally in helping to free us from old, entrenched beliefs and attitudes that have been inculcated from without, much like colonial occupying armies. Jesus, Muhammad, and the Buddha were Liberators in this sense, offering options to the violence, suffering, and spiritual stagnation of their respective times and places.

You do not have to be a charismatic leader to have this archetype, however. Thousands of people have taken part in long campaigns to win freedom from various kinds of oppression, from the Freedom Riders of the Civil Rights movement in this country to the Freedom Fighters of the Hungarian Revolution.

The shadow Liberator manifests in those who would liberate us from one tyrant only to impose their own tyranny over our lives--corporate, political, religious, and spiritual leaders who speak of freedom as a way to their individual aggrandizement.

In evaluating whether this archetype belongs in your circle of twelve, ask whether you have shown a life-long pattern of helping to free others from injustices, from adverse economic or social conditions, or simply from their misconceptions.

Films: Anthony Quinn in Zorba the Greek; Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame; Ingrid Bergman in Joan of Arc; Tom Selleck in In and Out.

Fiction: Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

Fairy Tales: Belling the Cat

Religion/Myth: Dionysus and Eros (both bore other names meaning ”the liberator”).

台長: 理書
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