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2021-01-20 20:37:17| 人氣832| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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A surveillance camera captured the ensuing fatal collision at N. Park Victoria and Kennedy Drives. The Lexus traveled through the stop sign and struck the boy in the crosswalk, and did not appear to stop after the impact. The boy’s father was immediately behind him, his sister was immediately in front. All three were riding bicycles.

A Milpitas police officer administered first aid to the boy moments after the impact.

“Tragically, despite the efforts of first responders and medical staff, the 7-year-old child passed away at a local hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with the young child’s family and our community. We are all deeply impacted by the senseless and tragic loss of life,” said Jamison.

The victim’s father identified the boy as Haolan Chen, who attended Merryhill Elementary.

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