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2004-01-01 01:29:00| 人氣50| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Long time haven't update my dairy........since i'm so lazy and really busy.2003 is a unhappy year.....lots of things happened,several of them are bad....quite upset sometimes...this year...SARS,broken up with bf,some famous singers leave us,also my dear grandpa dead.All of this destory my heart.After many things,i discovered that i growing up more.My mind became mature.It's happy things.This year,i do lots crazy thing , i know jesus don't like,i feel very guilty always,i hope god forgive me...."Dear god,pls forgive daughter!"And i thx jesus always be with me when i feel sad n confuse.I love u ,god.i love grandpa,too.Today,i haven't go out,just stay at home and count down alone.Virtually,quite lonely anymore.I just hope unlucky 2003 quickly go away............All of u....take care by urself!Care ur healthy!!!2004.....i need do something out of friends expection!Do ur best,Tracey Leung!!!And i hope can have a bf...to care me...haha......hope will dream come true~~~

台長: Namtree
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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