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Lyrics practice

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It’s been a while since I write
Anything that remotely counts as a rhyme
I got some thoughts in my mind
I want to jot them down without straps or bind
There are songs in my head
When I write I got so much fear
What is it that I can’t seem to express
Is it structure or content or at I stressed about depth?
Some words come from the heart, but when I write I put on a mask
Do I fear I’m not artsy enough
Do I fear I’m not gutsy enough
Do I fear I won’t like it enough
Do I fear I’m not worthy enough
Why does it always escalates
Only frustration seems to make some sense
What am I feeling, are they real or fake
Why can’t I write like I did in past tense

Cultivate, I want to cultivate my flow
Be afraid, be afraid I’ll fuck up your blow
Please my mind, my talent, my inner self
Whenever you want to hide, come out and shout
You are capable beyond imagination
You are stopping yourself from reaching destination

Do your best, practice and grease your gear
Your words are wise beyond your greatest fear

台長: Tempsfuit
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